This series of Round Tables was conducted in March 2013 in European financial centres by UNEP in association with the European Energy Centre, Geocapita and the Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre.

The aim of these discussions was to raise awareness of UNEP’s energy finance activities, to encourage feedback from knowledgeable stakeholders regarding UNEP’s planned programmes and to establish a contact network for future energy finance consultation.

Small groups (20-50 participants) were invited to each of the Round Tables to ensure that everyone present would be directly involved in the discussions. Every effort was made to avoid one-way presentations, but rather to seek the experience and opinion of those present at the Round Tables to help tailor UNEP’s planned activities according to lessons already learned.

Four key areas of future UNEP energy finance focus were presented at each of the Round Tables, addressing the installation of hybrid mini-grids, the development of a policy risk insurance mechanism, bringing end-user finance for access to clean energy technologies in Africa and considering financing mechanisms for energy efficient buildings.

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